Danes are heavy alcohol drinkers at night, but slowly coffee sipper during the day. They know how to make quality time with friends, families, the loved ones, or even dates, just by a cup of coffee. Not only with companies, I've spotted some loners also enjoy their hygge-time with Macs or books in the middle of cafés.
To be honest, I'm not a fan of coffee. Instead of ordering coffee with the latte, I will choose chai latte as always. But, what's the real fun of sipping my chai latte in town while I can make it at home all the time? Well, it's about tasty dishes, latte art, plush armchairs and a relaxed atmosphere with locals!
The fundamentals of good coffee shops can be many. But Copenhagen's best ones must undoubtedly be something special to beat an unusually strong field of cool coffee shops and glorious fun spots. The best coffee in town is probably what coffee lovers looking for. But since I'm not, I always try to go to places where I can sip my chai and wrapped by their cozy yet cute interiors. If you also consider design as part of temptation, check these cutest spots among others in Copenhagen for your next Instagram posts. Visit one (or more) of the following coffee shops and get an experience with Danes!
The Living Room
Address: Larsbjørnsstræde 17 (nearest stop: Nørreport St.)
Opening hours: Man-Thu 9-23, Fri-Sat 9-02, Sun 12-18
Website: facebook.com/thelivingroomdk
Genuinely to say, this place is my and ex-date's favourite coffee-date place in town. They have warm drinks but also can hit into cocktails or beers at night. Watch out your steps to this place in Friday or Saturday night. You are not the only one who want to mingle with locals in their cozy basements with candles and sofas. Or just come during the day or Sunday, because they're pretty empty at this time.
Address: Istedgade 90 (nearest stop: Central Station)
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8-22, Sat-Sun 9-22
Website: kaffeistedgade.dk
Small coffee shop close to the central station with peculiar interior! The guy in the photo gave me his cordial smile when he saw me about to enter the door. Let's be child and play around a little bit!
Den Lille Gule
Address: Mikkel Bryggers Gade 7 (nearest stop: Rådhuspladsen (København) or Central Station)
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8-22, Sat-Sun (holiday) 9.30-22
Website: denlillegulekaffebar.dk
This is the real gem in the hustle of Strøget. Located in the small alley and is like throwing stone from the oldest movie theater in Copenhagen, Grandteatret. If it's cold outside, don't bother yourself with blanket. Go up to their second floor and find the warmness of The Little Yellow—its name translated to English.
Wulff + Konstali
Address: Isafjordsgade 10 (nearest stop: Bergthorasgade or Islands Brygge (M))
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 7-20, Sat-Sun 8-18
Website: wogk.dk
I would say, this place is bakery alike. But definitely serve warm meals and place to chat. Notice their big lamps! It's so harmonized with their long wood table. Snap!
Central Hotel & Café
Address: Tullinsgade 1 (nearest stop: Vesterport Station or Værnedamsvej)
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8-18, Sat 10-05
Website: centralhotelogcafe.dk
Let's go to the smallest hotel in the world with a whole package of its little cute coffee shop! This hotel only have one room, which is not cheap, but could bring you wondrous experience. If staying over is not what you're doing, just spend few krones for their nice coffee in the first floor. It's also winning.
Kaf' Bar 9/Kompa 9
Address: Antonigade 9 or Kompagnistraede
Opening hours:
Website: kaf' bar 9
Clean interior with influence of Danish design. It's a lovely café where you can chit chat, laugh around, and find your tasty little bites.
Address: Ravnsborggade 10B (nearest stop: Ravnsborggade or Elmegade (København))
Opening hours: Mon-Wed(Thu) 9.30-24(02), Fri(Sat) 9.30(10)-03, Sun 10-21.30
Website: bevars.dk
WIFI: Yeees!
Don't get too intimidated by locals who are bringing their super Macs to this place ;)
Bevar's can be so romantic (and sometimes crowded) during the night. While "enjoying" their WiFi, they also serve some tasty meals for lunch and dinner. Go grab it if you can afford it. I mean, they're not that so cheap, but definitely yummy. Oh ya, since Nørrebro is a cool district, so don't try to flirt to chic young people in the corner! All I mean is, lots of pretty people are always coming here.
Ipsen & Co
Address: Gammel Kongevej 108 (nearest stop: H.C. Ørsteds Vej (Frederiksberg) or Gammel Kongevej)
Opening hours: All day 8-18
Website: ipsenogco.dk
A quite new place ran by two young siblings, this coffee shop is located in an opulent district, Frederiksberg. Sometimes a bit loaded after working time, but you can still sit closer to each other in their long wood table. Their high ceiling makes this place breathable and cozy. Check out their varied menu, which is addressed to both the small or large hunger.
Atelier September
Address: Gothersgade 30 (nearest stop: Nørreport St. or Kongens Nytorv (M))
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 7.30-18, Sat(Sun) 9(10)-16
Website: atelierseptember.dk
Whenever I see people upload their pictures in Atelier September, the snaps are always good and lovely. Why not trying to have a good picture while biting their avocado sandwich for lunch?
There's no such cheap coffee in Copenhagen. From place to place, price for a cup of warm drink is starting from 25 Krones to 45 Krones. Hey, there's a nice tall glass of chai latte which needs extra krones!
To be honest, I'm not a fan of coffee. Instead of ordering coffee with the latte, I will choose chai latte as always. But, what's the real fun of sipping my chai latte in town while I can make it at home all the time? Well, it's about tasty dishes, latte art, plush armchairs and a relaxed atmosphere with locals!
The fundamentals of good coffee shops can be many. But Copenhagen's best ones must undoubtedly be something special to beat an unusually strong field of cool coffee shops and glorious fun spots. The best coffee in town is probably what coffee lovers looking for. But since I'm not, I always try to go to places where I can sip my chai and wrapped by their cozy yet cute interiors. If you also consider design as part of temptation, check these cutest spots among others in Copenhagen for your next Instagram posts. Visit one (or more) of the following coffee shops and get an experience with Danes!
The Living Room
Address: Larsbjørnsstræde 17 (nearest stop: Nørreport St.)
Opening hours: Man-Thu 9-23, Fri-Sat 9-02, Sun 12-18
Website: facebook.com/thelivingroomdk
Genuinely to say, this place is my and ex-date's favourite coffee-date place in town. They have warm drinks but also can hit into cocktails or beers at night. Watch out your steps to this place in Friday or Saturday night. You are not the only one who want to mingle with locals in their cozy basements with candles and sofas. Or just come during the day or Sunday, because they're pretty empty at this time.
Address: Istedgade 90 (nearest stop: Central Station)
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8-22, Sat-Sun 9-22
Website: kaffeistedgade.dk
Small coffee shop close to the central station with peculiar interior! The guy in the photo gave me his cordial smile when he saw me about to enter the door. Let's be child and play around a little bit!
Den Lille Gule
Address: Mikkel Bryggers Gade 7 (nearest stop: Rådhuspladsen (København) or Central Station)
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8-22, Sat-Sun (holiday) 9.30-22
Website: denlillegulekaffebar.dk
This is the real gem in the hustle of Strøget. Located in the small alley and is like throwing stone from the oldest movie theater in Copenhagen, Grandteatret. If it's cold outside, don't bother yourself with blanket. Go up to their second floor and find the warmness of The Little Yellow—its name translated to English.
Wulff + Konstali
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Opening hours: Mon-Fri 7-20, Sat-Sun 8-18
Website: wogk.dk
I would say, this place is bakery alike. But definitely serve warm meals and place to chat. Notice their big lamps! It's so harmonized with their long wood table. Snap!
Central Hotel & Café
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8-18, Sat 10-05
Website: centralhotelogcafe.dk
Let's go to the smallest hotel in the world with a whole package of its little cute coffee shop! This hotel only have one room, which is not cheap, but could bring you wondrous experience. If staying over is not what you're doing, just spend few krones for their nice coffee in the first floor. It's also winning.
Kaf' Bar 9/Kompa 9
Opening hours:
Website: kaf' bar 9
Clean interior with influence of Danish design. It's a lovely café where you can chit chat, laugh around, and find your tasty little bites.
Address: Ravnsborggade 10B (nearest stop: Ravnsborggade or Elmegade (København))
Opening hours: Mon-Wed(Thu) 9.30-24(02), Fri(Sat) 9.30(10)-03, Sun 10-21.30
Website: bevars.dk
WIFI: Yeees!
Don't get too intimidated by locals who are bringing their super Macs to this place ;)
Bevar's can be so romantic (and sometimes crowded) during the night. While "enjoying" their WiFi, they also serve some tasty meals for lunch and dinner. Go grab it if you can afford it. I mean, they're not that so cheap, but definitely yummy. Oh ya, since Nørrebro is a cool district, so don't try to flirt to chic young people in the corner! All I mean is, lots of pretty people are always coming here.
Ipsen & Co
Opening hours: All day 8-18
Website: ipsenogco.dk
A quite new place ran by two young siblings, this coffee shop is located in an opulent district, Frederiksberg. Sometimes a bit loaded after working time, but you can still sit closer to each other in their long wood table. Their high ceiling makes this place breathable and cozy. Check out their varied menu, which is addressed to both the small or large hunger.
Atelier September
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 7.30-18, Sat(Sun) 9(10)-16
Website: atelierseptember.dk
Whenever I see people upload their pictures in Atelier September, the snaps are always good and lovely. Why not trying to have a good picture while biting their avocado sandwich for lunch?
There's no such cheap coffee in Copenhagen. From place to place, price for a cup of warm drink is starting from 25 Krones to 45 Krones. Hey, there's a nice tall glass of chai latte which needs extra krones!
Halo kak, artikel2 kaka tentang denmark sangat menarik saya buat membaca. Kak kalo ada waktu bisa kita tukeran email dan saling sharing. Saya ingin sekali bisa ke negara2 scandinavia 😊
BalasHapusEmail aku di nicolesinaga89@yahoo.co.id
Terima kasih kak 😊
Hai :)
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